As you may have understood from our main page this publishing company deals only with new and unknown authors. You may well be such a person who finds it difficult to find a publisher for your work. If you are such a person, and have a complete written work, you are welcome to send your work to us for consideration.
We accept works under four categories:
Biographies, Autobiographical, Fiction and Non Fiction
We accept work sent in Word format for Microsoft and Macintosh. We also accept work done in Word Perfect. For those interested only send your work on Floppy Disks or CD. Do not send written manuscripts. Any work accepted by us the author will be notified. The same applies for any work we may reject. We return Floppy Disks and CDs to sender, therefore please make sure you give a return address.
The address to send your work to:
The Editor
Dwarf Empire Publishing House
Keizersgracht 84 F
1015 CT Amsterdam